purpurea) has purple bracts instead of red and has clustered flowering stems. It's found only in our far northwestern counties. sessiliflora) lacks the "paint," with only green bracts surrounding the flowers its flowers protrude noticeably beyond the bracts. Similar species: There are two other species of Castilleja in Missouri, both Species of Conservation Concern.
#Indian paintbrush leaves full#
Bracts appear at the stem tops in dense spikes and which. When summer fields are full of tall bright red flowers, you can be sure youre looking at a sea of Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja). Stem leaves alternate, stalkless, narrow to linear to 3-lobed with the central lobe wider and longer than the other 2. Upper leaves (bracts) are deeply 3 to 5 cleft and tipped with bright red (sometimes pink or white). The plant has semi-prostrate branches that reach 16 in (41 cm) in length, with bracts and upper leaves that are grayish, fleshy, broad and rounded and crowded. Basal leaves formed during first year, short, oblong, with rounded ends. The actual flowers are inconspicuous, tubular, greenish-yellow, and nestled in the axils of the brilliantly colored bracts, which can be red, orange, or yellow. Bright orange red bracts (modified leaves). Indian paintbrush has hairy, upright stems with flowers clustered at the top. Description : Indian paintbrush has hairy, upright stems with flowers clustered at the top. Close-to-ground plant with light green lower leaves and reddish bracts (modified.